Tis the Season for Self Made Scrumpy

Tis the Season for Self Made Scrumpy

It’s no secret that we live just far enough away from the city to enjoy a bit of rural living. Mostly this allows me to the space to play on quad bikes and motorbikes without upsetting anyone. Part of the land though is actually an orchard with great old apple trees that bear quite a […]

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I’m Either Completely Mad or the World’s Coolest Dad

I’m Either Completely Mad or the World’s Coolest Dad

I don’t have to tell you that I love cars, I love speed and I love off-roading so it’s natural that my kids would share at least a bit of their Dad’s passion. To be fair, they couldn’t avoid it if they tried as motors are everywhere, from our drive, to reminders, to family days […]

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Digging Out the Royal Suit to Dress up for Dressage

Digging Out the Royal Suit to Dress up for Dressage

Remember that sunny month way back in June when the threat of “the worst winter yet” was just a twinkle in a cloud’s eye? I’m going to take you back there for a sec, let you forget about snow forecasts and give you an exclusive peep behind the scenes at Ascot. Donning a top hat […]

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If a Classic Car Could Take a Selfie – It Would Look Like…

If a Classic Car Could Take a Selfie – It Would Look Like…

For a few weeks now I’ve been putting the Nokia Lumia 1020 through its paces. I’ve taken some great shots (it’s too late in the year for modesty) of copters, cars and landscapes. In a couple of weeks it’ll be coming on the North Sea with me as I choose it as my portable camera […]

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