After cycling from Land’s End to John O’Groats (read the blog here on that ride) and spinning round the four A’s (Aberystwyth to Aldeburgh blog here) there’s not much left of Britain that I haven’t seen from a bike seat. So this Easter, I decided to give Spain the benefit of my company, alongside my trusted cycling mate Paul.
We couldn’t hop over to España without a plan and our plans are always a bit masochistic. This time we thought it’d be a new ‘challenge’ to take our bikes to the hills of Xalon Valley and to reach the summit without a sore behind. It was all part of training to ride through the Channel Islands the next week.
Uphill cycling is never going to be easy but we’ve had plenty of practice and the views along the way were pretty amazing even if the drops were quite sobering.
Once at the summit we celebrated the only way we could, with a bottle or three of ice cold pils and a dip in the pool. Refreshed and able to walk without looking constipated, we took a little stroll round a local flea market and found one of the old classic Kodak Brownie cameras.
Flea market find – an old Kodak Brownie 127 camera – can’t wait to see what is on the film found inside!
You may have seen these before knocking around antique fairs but this one had a secret surprise, a full undeveloped roll of film from when it was last used!
With the challenge completed, we could now carry on to the Channel Islands, starting in Guernsey to join everyone else on the ride. Part of which included re-enacting the Full Monty seen above (before you say anything, this was cold Jersey weather not warm Spain – ok?).
The ads I’d shot for Mitsubishi a few weeks before we went started popping up all over the place and we couldn’t pick up a national newspaper without seeing one of them across a double page spread!
Back at home due to popular demand the old Kodak film was sent for processing and now to wait to see just what’s been taken on this ancient camera.
I know you all will have ideas as to what could be lurking beneath the films wrapper, so place your bets now.
Do you think the film will show?
A) Family Photos
B) Architectural Pics
C) Landscape Pics
D) Rudey Nudey Images
E) Automobiles
F) Selfies
G) Other
Choose your answer now and if you’re right you win the chance to be smug for a day.
Feel free to share using the social media icons below – cheers!