We P3rsonalised It – Introducing the Very British MG3

We P3rsonalised It – Introducing the Very British MG3

We’ve had to keep this under wraps for a while but now it’s aired in the ad breaks of our favourite soaps (*cough) we can now reveal the magic behind the new MG3 ad. That little car spinning amongst the streets to a backing track by Elephant 12 is the result of a little photography, […]

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Featured Interview in Photography Masterclass Magazine

Featured Interview in Photography Masterclass Magazine

Here is my featured interview in Photography Masterclass Magazine. You can also subscribe to the magazine, click here and get your first 3 months trial for free. To download the app follow this link. WE SPEAK TO PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISING AND COMMERCIAL CAR PHOTOGRAPHER, NIGEL HARNIMAN, WHOSE IMAGES HAVE BEEN FEATURED IN ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS FOR SOME […]

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One Award I Won’t Witness – AOP Open Awards 2013

One Award I Won’t Witness – AOP Open Awards 2013

While I’ve been messing about on the North Sea showing off my survival skills, a panel of judges have selected one of my images to be shown at the 2013 Open Exhibition for the AOP (Association of Photographers). I’m pretty happy with this as the AOP Open is the only competition where amateurs and professional […]

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Move Over Bear Grylls, I’m BOSIET Trained!

Move Over Bear Grylls, I’m BOSIET Trained!

I’ve just completed a three day course that would have Bear Grylls demanding his luxury trailer, a hot cup of cocoa and a body double. Unlike his show, this was the real deal, no cameras following, no breaks for makeup and no escape. BOSIET is a Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training course, offered […]

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