Released to the press & public in Geneva this week – our latest work with Rolls-Royce – the Phantom Tranquility. The brief was to produce a suite of images and cinemagraphs inspired by celestial bodies to give a feel of ‘other worldliness’. This stunning car has some incredible features including a piece of the 1906 […]
Continue Reading —›If you follow any of our social channels, you may have seen the behind-the-scenes of us working with the Milo arm . . .this project was conceived as an interactive web experience for the viewer to get up-close & personal with the new Thruxton through the Triumph website. (Hence no funky soundtrack on this one!) […]
Continue Reading —›We went to The Dark Side with Rolls-Royce, when we were invited to shoot a very special collection of 40 Wraiths and 30 Dawns. The Black Badge Collection named Adamas feature laboratory grown black diamonds encrusting the Black Badge Infinity symbol amongst many other special details, the Spirit of Ecstasy in machined carbon fibre and […]
Continue Reading —›Just released this week is the latest press campaign commissioned by Saatchi & Saatchi London for Zovirax/GSK. We were tasked with creating a press ad to fit both 48 sheet and 6 sheet poster format executions, shooting models, props, vehicles and landscapes on location then integrating with CGI elements of a virus and force field. Production […]
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