Volvo – around the world in 30 days

Volvo – around the world in 30 days

The Volvo C30 shoot was a great experience – a lot of fun and a lot of hard work. It was also typical of how shoots have evolved since photography went digital. These days you often go to locations just to shoot a backplate, with the object – or vehicle in this case – added […]

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Bentley, Breitling and the cloak and dagger world of the Continental GT

Bentley, Breitling and the cloak and dagger world of the Continental GT

Bentley was one of those dream jobs that come round every so often. You do the shoot, the client likes it; you do another, their client likes it. The shoot leads to other jobs and the spin off can last several years. As I say, a dream job. With the launch of the Contintental GT […]

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The wheresyourbike charity challenge – fat bottomed men with boobs on bicycles

The wheresyourbike charity challenge – fat bottomed men with boobs on bicycles

Photography is my work and my hobby and both take up most of my waking hours. Nevertheless, I do have other interests outside of pictures – or more accurately, I have another hobby that I photograph. I cycle. To build up my quads – to help treat an old knee injury – I wake up […]

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Pan Head Billy – the High Plain’s Drifter

Pan Head Billy – the High Plain’s Drifter

This is Pan Head Billy, a larger than life character, sitting astride his Harley on a dried-up salt lake bed a few miles outside Wendover, a small gambling town straddling Utah and Nevada. Not a lot happens in Wendover. I had been shooting a Ford Fusion campaign in LA and after wrapping that shoot I […]

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