The Volvo C30 shoot was a great experience – a lot of fun and a lot of hard work. It was also typical of how shoots have evolved since photography went digital. These days you often go to locations just to shoot a backplate, with the object – or vehicle in this case – added […]
Continue Reading —›Bentley was one of those dream jobs that come round every so often. You do the shoot, the client likes it; you do another, their client likes it. The shoot leads to other jobs and the spin off can last several years. As I say, a dream job. With the launch of the Contintental GT […]
Continue Reading —›Photography is my work and my hobby and both take up most of my waking hours. Nevertheless, I do have other interests outside of pictures – or more accurately, I have another hobby that I photograph. I cycle. To build up my quads – to help treat an old knee injury – I wake up […]
Continue Reading —›This is Pan Head Billy, a larger than life character, sitting astride his Harley on a dried-up salt lake bed a few miles outside Wendover, a small gambling town straddling Utah and Nevada. Not a lot happens in Wendover. I had been shooting a Ford Fusion campaign in LA and after wrapping that shoot I […]
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