Readers of these pages know by now that my philosophy is to shoot anything that moves – and most things that don’t. Have camera will travel is the motto of all good photographers. Surely! Nevertheless, the harsh Russian winter with its -30 degrees C temperature is probably one of those locations I tend to avoid […]
Continue Reading —›Parking in London – what a nightmare! With the stress of it I often muse how I’d like to demolish the cityscape around me and park my car where I like and however I like. If only… So that’s how I felt recently when driving at a snail’s pace around Canary Wharf, where I planned […]
Continue Reading —›With the New Year comes another season of historic racing events. I’ve mentioned Barrie “Whizzo” Williams and Shelsley Walsh in past blogs (even featuring Whizzo gunning up the hill on video), so this week I want to focus on another wonderful old racing car I shot last summer – the incredible 200HP V8 Darracq. I […]
Continue Reading —›I’ve always loved the landscapes conjured up by Tolkien in the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. Not just the undulating,green merriness of Bilbo’s Shire, but also the bleak nastiness of Mordor and Mount Doom. Tolkien’s imagined Shire was Worcestershire (his mother came from Evesham), a green, fertile country of valleys and hills not far […]
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