Hyundai Grandeur in Venice, Texas

Hyundai Grandeur in Venice, Texas

In many ways the Hyundai Grandeur shoot was different from my other work because Hyundai wanted me to attach my name to the pictures and the video of their latest car. Usually I remain invisible from the product; a hired gun who shoots and moves on to the next job. Essentially they asked me to […]

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On the trail of the Campbells of Verneukpan and Glencoe

On the trail of the Campbells of Verneukpan and Glencoe

I love shooting landscapes. They’re a challenge. Landscapes are fleeting; an enigma, instant. You need to catch the drama, the light and the mood in a moment because five minutes later everything changes and you’ve lost it. Landscapes can really test your character and ability. You have no control over them. And that’s what I […]

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Barrie “Whizzo” Williams and the Shelsley Walsh Hill Climb

Barrie “Whizzo” Williams and the Shelsley Walsh Hill Climb

Much of my life has been focussed around shooting anything that has four wheels and drinks gallons of the black stuff. So as an enthusiastic petrol head I never ignore opportunities to shoot good looking cars – especially when they’re the vintage sports variety racing on my doorstep. Shelsley Walsh Hill Climb – the oldest […]

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Video tutorial and free HDR and backplate from award winning Mars Ice Cream shoot

Video tutorial and free HDR and backplate from award winning Mars Ice Cream shoot

This is a video tutorial about how to make an HDR for image-based lighting for CGI. It comprises the equipment and the working methods I used to create my award winning Mars Ice Cream photo. I want to demonstrate how simple it can be create HDRs for Image based lighting . It’s not a complex […]

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